
Cultural fluency

Have you ever tried to suspend your own involvement and just observe what’s going on?

Yes, one of the advantages of growing up in the inner city of London as a Black person is that you are exposed to a whole host of stereotypes. The only things I have is honesty and openness, therefore, I learned so much from listening to people. I learned that there are two major streams of self-awareness: “me,” which builds the narrative about our past and future; and “I,” which brings us into the immediate present.

The Equinox

Many people in Denmark celebrated Sankt Hans (mid-summer) yesterday. The evening is celebrated with bonfires, communal singing and speeches at both public and private events.
In the UK, we call it the summer solstice as it’s the point of the year in the northern hemisphere when the sun is at its furthest point from the equator, making it the longest day of the year. This is always the time when I reflect on the first half of the year, reflecting on whether I am on track with my mission.

”My mission is to accelerate goal achievement for individuals and teams by providing highly effective learning tools and experiences. I measure success by the positive impact on users' personal and professional lives.”

I know nothing

Disclaimer: I am not a medical professional, so please take the following statement as an opinion rather than professional advice.

Stress is a natural response meant to protect you, not harm you. It becomes destructive only when you ignore or mismanage it. Embrace your anxiety as a cue to make necessary changes in your life. Learn mindfulness, practice self-care, and adopt a healthier lifestyle.

No amount of anxiety will change your future and no amount of regret can change your past. The key is acceptance.
— Steven Bartlett

Change your perspective

We all have our own perspectives. I think both comedy and creativity are subjective, as a comedian, no one can definitively say your joke isn't funny. In creativity, we get to share what we find beautiful, as if someone else doesn't like it, that's fine by me as it's not for everyone; it's for us. At the end of the day, what matters is whether I like it, and that's my favourite thing.

Morning thoughts

I woke up this morning with Professor Richard Feynman quote reverberating around my head: “If you cannot be corrected without being offended, then you will not truly grow in life.”

1. When you are alone, mind your thoughts
2. When you are with friends, mind your words
3. When you are angry, mind your temper
4. When you are with a group, mind your behavior
5. When you are stressed, mind your emotions
6. When you are winning, mind your ego

It’s official

I am now the Vice President of the Brotherhood for Professionals of Color (BPoC). In this role, I will manage our events and programs while supporting the President and other board members. Together, we aim to connect, mentor, and empower professionals of color, advocating for diversity and fostering a more equitable and inclusive workplace culture. Are you or your organisation interested in collaborating with us? Please reach out via email to discuss how we can work together.

Humble yourself

Nowadays I think there is a thin line between fame and infamy, in fact the line is extremely blurred in our contemporary society. People are willing to do anything, even negative and controversial things to gain fame and they are often rewarded for it. Meanwhile, there are others who gain fame simply by living their lives publicly, even if it means exposing their vulnerabilities or flaws. Both groups receive attention and validation, regardless of their actions or intentions.

Feeling under appreciated

I have been dealing with a challenging situation. Right now, I feel unappreciated and because I’ve been taken advantage of, and it’s incredibly draining. I think that by prioritising my own mental health is not selfish as it’s essential for my overall happiness and fulfilment. Nowadays, I recognise the importance of setting boundaries and communicating my needs. Surrounding myself with people who appreciate and reciprocate my generosity is crucial for maintaining my well-being.

Changing of the guard

A single move in the right direction can change your entire life.
— Burrellism

We are not robots, we are human beings with emotions, feelings, and personalities, and sometimes you will clash with people in your workplace. I think it’s OK to say, “I don’t know!” As the illusion of knowledge is more dangerous than ignorance. There’s no shame in that as the only shame is to pretend that we know everything.

A better world

I won the dream and aspiration lottery a long time ago which has allowed me the fortune of pursuing almost everything that I ever wanted to do. My path has not been linear, I want to be a teacher, someone who wants “turns on the lights.” I mean illuminating perspectives that once unseen will forever be in the forefront of our minds. My mission is not to enlighten everyone but rather those willing to embrace new insights. I want to leave a legacy behind which my children and grandchildren would be proud of, and this what makes culture matter. 

All things matter

What must be protected to ensure that people and nature thrive?
Charles Darwin revealed that all species have evolved over time to best exploit the conditions in which they live. Darwin further realised that these conditions are not simply those of geography and climate but also their relationship to other lives that they live alongside. I’ve always believed that few people will protect the natural world if they don’t first love and understand it. I think many sequences revealed in nature are most fascinating and delightful, and others prove that good things do indeed come to those who wait.

Happy New Year (2024)

I would like us all to have a peaceful, healthy, and successful 2024. I think it will be the year where we rediscover our common humanity, hope and optimism.

Things to leave behind:
1. The sense of entitlement
2. Resentment
3. Self-doubt
4. Regrets
5. The fear of failure or shame
6. Prejudices

Things to hold on to:
1. All opportunities to help
2. A sense of wonderment
3. All feelings of gratitude
4. Humility and optimism
5. Courage and commitment
6. Generosity

The essence of our character

Two things define you in life:

  1. Your patience when you have nothing, and

  2. Your attitude when you have everything.

When you find yourself in moments of scarcity or when things aren't falling into place, your patience becomes a testament to your resilience and strength. It's during these times that your ability to endure, persist, and stay composed truly defines you. On the other hand, when you have abundance and success, your attitude speaks volumes about your humility, gratitude, and generosity. How you carry yourself, treat others, and handle success illuminates your true nature. It's easy to lose perspective or become complacent when surrounded by plenty, but maintaining a humble and gracious demeanour r reflects a deep-seated understanding of what truly matters in life. I think your ability to weather the storms with patience and your grace in times of plenty are the things that shape your identity and reflect the core values which will guide you through life's various stages and circumstances.

One my favourite actors

“My philosophy is:
What people say about me is none of my business.
I am who I am and do what I do.
I expect nothing and accept everything.
And that makes life easier.
We live in a world where funerals are more important than the deceased, marriage is more important than love, looks are more important than the soul.
We live in a packaging culture that despises content.”
— Sir Anthony Hopkins

Personal lesson

Rather than asking yourself what kind of outcome I want to achieve, ask yourself: “Who is the type of person that can do…?”
Start with a small habit, provide evidence of being that kind of person and then eventually you’ll have something to proof this new belief in. Fake it like you’ve made it means to believe in something that you don’t have evidence for, and the word we tend to use for this behaviour is delusion. Rather than letting the belief lead the way, let the behaviour lead the way. Don’t just fake it until you make it, just do the work to make it.