Vice President — I THINK — Stephen Burrell

Vice President

It’s official

I am now the Vice President of the Brotherhood for Professionals of Color (BPoC). In this role, I will manage our events and programs while supporting the President and other board members. Together, we aim to connect, mentor, and empower professionals of color, advocating for diversity and fostering a more equitable and inclusive workplace culture. Are you or your organisation interested in collaborating with us? Please reach out via email to discuss how we can work together.

Kamala Harris


Kamala Harris will be inaugurated as the Vice President of America later today, not only the first woman in history to hold this position but also the first person of colour. I salute you on this momentous achievement and wish you good luck in your endeavours over the next 4 years. Both Kamala Harris and I have our paternal roots in Jamaica ❤️.

Jamaica is known for reggae music (Bob Marley) and sprinting (Ursain Bolt). There is so much status attached to showing talent in sport and music that sometimes the rest of the world forgets about the opportunities we are denied due to the colour of our skin. My parents always told me that Jamaicans are entrepreneurs by nature because from a very early age you learn how to lead, delegate, problem solve and oral communication skills. I could spend the rest of my life explaining why - due to our ancestral heritage - I’ll save that for another day. Congratulations Kamala Harris.