Give your customer:
An idea of who you are
Why you do what you do?
Proof that you can be trusted, and that you know what you are talking about
Give your customer:
An idea of who you are
Why you do what you do?
Proof that you can be trusted, and that you know what you are talking about
Rather than asking yourself what kind of outcome I want to achieve, ask yourself: “Who is the type of person that can do…?”
Start with a small habit, provide evidence of being that kind of person and then eventually you’ll have something to proof this new belief in. Fake it like you’ve made it means to believe in something that you don’t have evidence for, and the word we tend to use for this behaviour is delusion. Rather than letting the belief lead the way, let the behaviour lead the way. Don’t just fake it until you make it, just do the work to make it.
A proof of concept is an exercise in which work is focused on determining whether an idea can be turned into a reality. A proof of concept is meant to determine the feasibility of the idea or to verify that the idea will function as envisioned. As soon as the proof of concept is in place, all the motivation to close the sale is already there. All the energy you need to have that sale cross the line in the right way at the right time is also in your hands.
“To know others is knowledge.
To know oneself is wisdom.