Jupiter and Saturn
Today, between 17.30 and 19.00 (Central European time) we can watch solar system’s two largest planets (Jupiter and Saturn) side by side in night sky. It will be the closest ‘great conjunction’ since 1623 and it will be 2080 before the planets align so closely again.
Value based living
Growing up in London meant that were raised to be polite. Back in the days when we tripped on the pavement or kicked a stone, we apologised. Intelligence to me meant emotional intelligence, and I think that this is being able to have a conversation with any human being using common sense and being street smart.
I always wanted to experience success and significance. I wanted to fully understand about what I learned and more importantly acknowledged the understanding in the way that I actualised it in my life. I think that you have to prepare yourself to be extraordinary in what you do if you want to experience success and significance.
The old Chinese proverb says, “I hear, and I forget, I see, and I may remember, I do, and I understand.”
I concur
“Thanks to the fundamental legacy my parents gave me, I’m always at home because I’m the same person no matter where I am. It’s that consistent definition of self which has allowed me to get through the tough times, when others were more than happy to try to define me according to their own prejudices. - Sidney Poitier ”
Plant the seed of hope
c/o Adobe stock photos
On this journey called life.
Take the good with the bad, the happy with the sad,
Appreciate what you have and let go of what you had,
Always forgive and never look back,
Things change,
Things go wrong but your path goes on.
How do you do that?
I have always been a curious human being! Today, I thought about what it would be like if I were in your body right now.
How would I get frustrated?
What would I picture?
What would I say to myself?
How would I say it?
What tonality would I use?
My daily affirmation
I am happy,
I am healthy, and
I am strong.
Dig the well before you get thirsty
We don’t question assumptions until the universe forces us to move out of the status quo. The people who get ahead are usually the people who do that questioning before they are forced out of the status quo, before a crisis strikes. Think out your outdated assumptions before the universe does it for you. Look at the decisions you are taking in your life right now and reflect. Question what you are doing and why you are doing them. And if you do not have a good enough answer for yourself then it’s probably not as strong as you believe it is.
I think that it’s in the hard times are when you grow and learn. To build top teams you will need to have real openness, to be honest without getting personal. Encouraging team members to express views without the fear of being ridiculed. Modern life is very technology-based, with people on their phones, therefore, the art of communication and speaking to people is nowhere as much part of life as when I was growing up.
Assumption is the mother of all mess ups
We are all seeking satisfaction, safety and belonging. I am fundamentally an optimist and part of being optimistic is keeping one's head pointed towards the sun and one's feet moving forward. The majority of us are focused on “what we know and what to do”, whereas the minority are focused on “what’s possible”. Our status and self esteem goes up because we can brag and boast about what we are doing.
I think the essential component of success is self awareness, introspection and reflection. The most truly successful people have it as they always gain wisdom along their journey. Perhaps the real gift of success are not economic gains and fame, but the wisdom and life lessons.
Nowadays, if you are not a millionaire no one is interested in your advice. In that case, I should shut up and concentrate on making some money. Sorry! I’m going to give you some advice: When you don’t know something, immediately say “I don’t know.” It shows confidence and you will keep on learning and growing and succeeding. Then say, "I will find out."
Interview questions
What are three key points that you want to make during your interview?
Why do you want to work for this company?
Why do you think this job is a good fit for you?
Why should we hire you?
What do you like most and least about your current job?
What are your weaknesses?
What characteristics are you looking for in an ideal job?
What are you salary expectations?
What qualifications or experiences make you uniquely qualified for the position?
Do you have any questions?
Yes, I would like to know how does your product or service change the lives of your customers?
Personality type: Leader
According to Myers-Briggs Personality Test, I am am an ENTJ.
(E) Extraversion
(I) Intuition
(T) Thinking
(J) Judgment
Control and structure allow an ENTJ to work at their best, they love to take direct action and this no-nonsense type takes no prisoners.
ENTJ’s rarely takes feelings into account and their assertiveness can come across as aggressive and argumentative.
“Unique traits of the ENTJ, strong focus, unbelievable intuition and the ability to take responsibility. The ENTJ thrives under pressure and gains even more confidence when around other people like themselves. The ENTJ type can sometimes seem arrogant because they expect the same level of dedication to projects from others as they allocate. They use more logic than emotion, being stubborn when it comes to empathy toward others. This type has high standards and can become impatient easily, which can sometimes make them seem harsh.”
Having an ENTJ personality type has been a blessing and a curse. Apparently, I’m an interesting personality type and encompasses several notable characteristics. It’s just my natural state!
Each one, teach one
"There is a wonderful mythical law of nature that the three things we crave most in life - happiness, freedom and peace of mind - are always attained by giving them to someone else." - Peyton Conway March
The pandemic and the current economic downturn is causing mental health issues all around the world. We know that this has been an issue throughout the lockdown. I have heard from so many people who are feeling lonely, anxious and depressed with many of them stressed and having suicidal thoughts.
How is the pandemic hurting your physical and mental wellbeing?
I am a mentor and available to talk to you during these turbulent times.
Queen's Birthday Honours: My sister becomes MBE
Everything starts with a story and it’s never been so easy to get your message out there. Because it’s never been easier, everyone has the power to publish and everyone thinks that they have a story to tell, paradoxically, it’s never been harder to get someone to listen or care! Our story has to be authentic if we really want to connect with an audience. Everyone’s telling their story online and everyone thinks they have something to say.
I think that only by applying the ancient art of storytelling with precision and power can we truly reach out and connect at a deeper emotional level with our audience, and this is when everything changes. My sister has become an MBE in the Queen's Birthday Honours list for her work in education.
- Who is the hero of the story?
- Who is Valerie really trying to help?
- Can we empathise with her audience, I mean really understand what they are thinking and feeling?
- What are the challenges that they are facing?
If we can show and tell them that we understand their reality then they will listen to us. And if we do it with a story then it will be even better and easier for them to share.
You can read Your Croydon’s article about my sister here
Curiosity killed the cat
I was recently asked whether curiosity was my primus motor? No, I think that curiosity is what fuels me! What drives me is a desire to make things better. I see what I think is broken and I see what people will benefit from learning, not because it will make things better for me but better for them. And the tool that I use to see those things and provide the insight is my curiosity of asking, “Why didn’t that work?” and “Why is this not what it could be?”
Most of the entrepreneurs I know are not saying, look at my bank balance and they are not saying here’s how I cut corners. They are people who would like to make things better by making better things. And I am proud to be in that category, and all I am trying to do is spread the word.
Do you believe in miracles?
“Albert Einstein said, “There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle.””
I care enough to see you
People are always drawn to those who are genuine, willing to show who they truly are and who make it safe for others to be fully themselves. I have always taken the risk of leading from my heart, knowing the reward was greater than any inadequacy I felt. I think being vulnerable is always the pathway to making meaningful connections, and being authentic and vulnerable is also the secret to becoming charismatic.
Ken Blanchard said, “If you don’t know who you are - or what your strengths and weaknesses are - and you are unwilling to be vulnerable, you will never develop a trusting relationship.”
In my humble opinion, authenticity means taking a risk to show others our true selves. It’s uncomfortable and vulnerable, and always carries with it the very human fear of not fitting in. I think that if we want to see others then we must first allow them to truly see us. It takes courage to be authentic and aligned with our values, especially in these turbulent times. Right now we are all using FaceTime, Skype, Zoom, Teams, etc., to stay in touch with our colleagues, family and friends, but we are still in our own spaces. I think that it’s really hard to transcend that separateness, no matter how good the camera lens is, technology has made the connection possible, but seeing authentic emotion makes it tolerable.
Do you agree that in our heads and hands we have the specialist skills that will get us hired? I think that what really separates us is our ability to connect with, motivate and inspire others, what do you think?
Do You Remember?
I Don't Know
c/o The Independent
I think that the three most powerful words are “I don’t know”.
It’s OK not to have a strong opinion on topics outside of our expertise and I am not a medical professional so many of my answers in 2020 have ended with “I don’t know.”