Denmark ranked 2nd in the European Union on the Gender Equality Index in 2022. Right-wing political parties are leveraging identity politics and economic interests to create divisions among people. I think we should instead concentrate on what unites us and emphasise our commonalities rather than our differences. What do you think?
Attitude and impacts
I think a diverse workforce closes the gap between a company and the consumer. If customers look into that mirror and don’t see themselves reflected back, they are more likely to search for a business that they feel does reflect them. Decades of research and studies have proved that diverse and inclusive workforces will outperform homogenous teams because they often think more logically, are more creative, and are more adept at identifying errors in thinking. Everyone has their own strengths and weaknesses. The more diverse your workforce, the better equipped you are to balance out one person’s weaknesses with another person’s strengths. A representative workforce will help you understand consumer values, needs, and wants, and will help your organisation to recruit the dynamic and vocal Generation Z.
““Ability determines if you can; attitude determines if you will.” ”
It really matters how we frame things
The circumstances of our lives may matter less to our sense of wellbeing than the sense of control we feel over our lives. It has always baffled me why in western societies we are never given the opportunity to solve problems psychologically. I think that it is because there is an imbalance in the way we treat creative, emotionally driven psychological ideas versus the way we treat rational, numerical, spreadsheet driven ideas.
If you are a creative person, you are forced to share your ideas for approval with people who are far more rational than you. You have to have a budget, cost-benefit analysis, ROI study, etc. This is probably correct and sensible - why does this never apply the other way around? Perhaps, it’s because people who have an existing framework, whether it be economical or engineering, feel as though logic is its own answer. Traditionally, we prioritise mechanistic ideas over psychological ideas.
I think when we solve problems we should look equally at technology, psychology and economics, and if possible, we should base our decisions on the conclusions that sit in the "sweet spot” somewhere in the middle.
Examining your weaknesses and making them your strength
“The truth may be puzzling. It may take some work to grapple with.
It may be counterintuitive. It may contradict deeply held prejudices.
It may not be consonant with what we desperately want to be true.
But our preferences do not determine what is true. - Carl Sagan
One Picture is Worth a Thousand Words
A Little About Me
I had been practising "Silence, Stillness & Solitude" since I was a teenager, trying to expand my understanding of myself. A few years ago, I received an introductory course in meditation as a birthday present from one of my good friends, every day I meditate focusing on the following:
1) Who am I?
2) What do I want?
3) What is my purpose?
4) What am I grateful for?