
Stay right there

Confidence and focus are like muscles, and they both need constant maintenance. Even the most self-assured person can start a downward spiral when faced with an unexpected setback at work or in life. Likewise, being highly goal-oriented doesn’t make you immune to distractions and unforeseen challenges can leave you feeling scattered and overwhelmed. I think to stay grounded, you must continuously exercise these mental muscles through self-regulation, ensuring that setbacks don’t derail your progress.

Pay attention

People tend to focus on what is happening in their immediate environment and plan only for the near future. The problem with this approach is that they often neglect distant threats, which may have a significant impact in the long run. This is part of human nature as distant threats simply don’t evoke the same sense of urgency or fear as immediate dangers, such as a looming economic recession or a natural disaster. Future problems often feel too abstract for us to act on; for example, the effects of climate change may seem gradual and intangible, making it easier to delay necessary action.

“Knowledge isn’t free. You have to pay attention.”
— Professor Richard Feynman

You must live with your results

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Taking an honest look at ourselves is, of course, easier said than done and learning to view yourself critically, but not cruelly, is the most important first step for any leader. Without knowing who we truly are, how we truly work, and where our strengths and weaknesses truly lie - we cannot possibly begin to lead others effectively. You can achieve so much when you are truly focussed. What focus means in saying “no” to something that you think is a phenomenal idea and say “no” to it because you are focussed on something else. I think one has to stand guard at the door of our minds and decide what goes inside of it, don’t allow just anyone to dump into your mental factory.

Less excuses, more results.
Less distractions, more focus.
Less me, more we.
— Robin Sharma

Align your company focus

The North Star has been used for the purposes of navigation for centuries, acting as a guiding light, people have used its brightness and prominence in the sky to ensure they are travelling in the right direction. The principle of the North Star works as a fantastic analogy in the world of business. Are you and your colleagues clear about whether your business is travelling in the ‘right direction’?

I have been involved in the world of business improvement and customer experience for over twenty years. For the past six years, I have had the opportunity to see and experience organisations across a variety of industries all over the world. Whilst I observe a number of similar issues and opportunities to improve and become more customer centric, one of the most common observations I make is on the subject of ‘clarity of purpose’. Contact me via e-mail if you interested in me facilitating a ‘North Star’ workshop for your organisation.

Turbulent times

Navigating a highly uncertain and constantly changing context, while actively contributing to building the future that we want to see, has never been more important. My writing is a form of therapy, an attempt to continuously educate and direct myself towards emotional health and ethical good sense. Think about a single area in your life where you are successful, and ask yourself, “What small things do I do each day that allows my consistent success?” I follow these three key performance indicators to map how successful I am in my life:

  • Truth: Are you being true to yourself and your values?

  • Focus: Are you consistently committing to your goals?

  • Strength: Do you keep pushing forward, even when you feel afraid or make a mistake?


Try it out and let me know what you think via e-mail. Remember the picture we paint in our minds of what other people are like is one of the main driving forces of relationships, economics, and politics.

Take time to shift your focus

I think that people with high levels of gratitude have low levels of resentment and envy. As when we take time to focus on what we are grateful for, we choose positive emotions over negative, thus we take steps to nurture our mental health and wellbeing. I was recently asked: How can we trigger gratitude in ourselves? And I answered, start with a gratitude practice, it’s like a workout or healthy eating plan for your mind and it’s simple.


Have you ever noticed that when you are looking to buy a new phone or a jacket all of a sudden everyone around you has it? That’s because, consciously or unconsciously, whatever we are focused on is what we see. If we want to trigger gratitude in ourselves, we need to intentionally shift our focus to that which we are grateful for. The simplest way to do this is through questions and prompts and a few daily rituals. Contact me via e-mail when you are ready to shift your focus.

You can’t feel envious and grateful at the same time. They’re incompatible feelings, because if you’re grateful, you can’t resent someone for owning things you don’t.
— Dr. Robert Emmons

Goal-setting theory

The American organisational psychologist, Edwin A. Locke pioneered the goal-setting theory. The simplest and most direct explanation of why some people perform better than others is because they have different performance goals. I think that nothing intelligent has ever come from intelligence alone, and nothing reasonable has ever come from reason alone. The essence of the theory is:

  • Difficult specific goals lead to significantly higher performance than easy goals, no goals, or even the setting of an abstract goal such as urging people to do their best.

  • Holding ability constant, and given that there is goal commitment, the higher the goal the higher the performance.

  • Variables such as praise, feedback, or the participation of people in decision-making about the goal only influence behaviour to the extent that they lead to the setting of and subsequent commitment to a specific difficult goal.

Traditions are hard to change

Goal setting involves the development of an action plan designed to motivate and guide a person or group towards a goal. We are fast approaching that time of the year where your New Year’s resolutions begin to fade. Remember that as long as you are doing something to achieve your goal, you are making progress. It’s easy to become caught up in routine, but sometimes all you need is a small change of perspective to get the ideas flowing and feel motivated again. 
The F.O.C.U.S acronym = Follow > One > Course > Until > Success

Does this sound familiar?

Distractions have no effect on the truly focused individual as winners focus on the goal, not the pain. There four types of distractions or should I call them, interruptions you will face in your work:

1.     Meetings, office visitors and loud colleagues
2.     E-mail, telephone notifications and meetings
3.     Team lunches, calls from loved one, coffee machine conversations
4.     Social media, news websites, instant messaging 

According to Tim Ferris, we need to “…limit e-mail consumption and production. This is the greatest single interruption in the modern world.” What do you think?

Focus on things under your control

Often, we focus on things that don’t matter and things that are beyond our control. In times of crisis, organisations often forget about their sales and marketing strategies because there’s so much else to focus on and this results in wasted time and wasted opportunities. For me it’s all about customer satisfaction, giving good advice and solving customer problems to improve their customer’s lives. 


I think knowing which things we should focus on is key to getting what we want. From my perspective, customer loyalty is truly satisfying and many of my customers have become real friends. Focusing on the human side instead of the sales and marketing side helps because visibility to attract new customers is key to expanding my customer base as I work in human-to-human industry. 

Focus on yourself

Stop focusing on what other people have and start focusing on what you have. Everyone defines their own success, and when it comes to selling - shift your mindset. It’s not about forcing someone to buy something they don’t want, that’s the wrong mindset. The right mindset says, how can I help you solve a pressing problem to help you build your business, to help you protect your assets, to help you become better. Why? Because if I can help you, I serve you and make money at the same time, so it’s a win-win solution.

Focal point

I am focused on working with entrepreneurs, leaders, and team's - helping them to focus on their company’s performance and culture by integrating commercial excellence into the heart of their business. So that they can become more strategic, productive, agile, and commercially successful. In most areas of life, I think it’s more hard work and dedication than natural ability and talent that leads to excellence and great success. You begin your journey to excellence by asking the question: “What additional skills, knowledge and information will I need to lead my field in the months and years ahead?”


What one skill if you developed and did it in an excellent fashion would have the greatest positive impact on your career? The answer to this question is essential if you are to achieve excellence in your field. When you find out the answer, then focus all of your energy on improving performance in this one particular area. In my experience, if your principles are right and aligned with your purpose, and your leadership has a clear vision, focus and authenticity then your business will be in profit in so many ways.

Everybody has talent, but ability takes hard work.
— Michael Jordan

Pay attention

In this current climate, attention is not only a rare commodity and also a precious one. As humans we are getting better and better at staying focussed and keeping the attention on ourselves, as when I pay attention to you, I don’t have it anymore and in that moment is gone forever. We all have the capacity to improve our attention as it’s like building a muscle. The thing about awareness is that they are not making any more of it.  If you choose to focus your awareness and energy on things and people that bring you pleasure and satisfaction, you have a very good chance of being happy in a world full of unhappiness, uncertainty, and fear.

Have you ever noticed that when you need something, you start seeing this item anywhere you go? For example, a friend who asked you to buy yellow roses for an event and all of the sudden yellow roses are everywhere- in the supermarket, gardens, etc. It is the same thing with goals. Your attention is a limited thing, you only notice what you need. So, the trick is to position your goals in your head like it is something you truly need. We must apply this knowledge as it’s too important not to.

We are very distracted

We are living in environments with all kinds of competing information and we often work and live-in places that are also overloaded with information. The ability to selectively focus on certain things and ignore other things is part of our capacity as humans. There are distractions everywhere and this is the first time in human history where almost every on the planet has a mobile device. These devices have all kinds of attractions, amusements, and diversions, so we are constantly being pulled away from that one thing we need to do, and I think mindfulness can help.  

What is mindfulness?
Mindfulness is where you use your strength of concentration to become a witness to your own thoughts and feelings. I think mindfulness is a mental work out, every time you bring your mind back into focus you are strengthening your concentration. Instead of being fused by our experience, we can step back and still participate in the experience fully and have more control over our thoughts, feelings, and actions.


Your ability as a salesperson to fix your attention on what matters and ignore distractions is a valid predictor of positive financial outcomes. Mindfulness is a method of training your attention in bringing it where you want and keeping where you want it to be. Contact me via e-mail for 1:1 coaching cognitive control sessions.

Risk versus yield

When leaders choose a strategy they are guiding your attention towards specific actions. An organisation’s strategy represents the desired pattern of organisational attention, in other words, what every business department should focus on, each in its particular way. A given strategy makes choices about what to ignore and what matters, for example, which metric should you focus on, market share or profit?

Leaders need three kinds of focus to be effective, self (inner), people (other), and system (outer) awareness. Inner focus attunes you to your emotions and intuitions, guiding values and better decisions. Other focus smoothes your connections to the people in your lives, and lets you navigate the larger world. I think the key is finding the balance and knowing when to use the right kind of focus at the right time. Contact me via e-mail for training and workshops.

Head in the clouds

Mind-wandering the enemy of focus because if your mind is wondering then by definition, you are not focusing and vice-versa. According to Wikipedia, mind-wandering could be described as the experience of thoughts not remaining on a single topic for a long period of time, particularly when people are engaged in an attention-demanding task. I think having your head in the clouds and mind-wandering is extremely valuable and essential for creative insights. This is because the creative process demands that you first gather information and focus on the problem, then you really concentrate and then let go.

The annals of science, art and mathematics are full of people who came up with incredible solutions when they were just daydreaming - in the shower, driving a car, sitting on a train or bus, walking the dog, etc. And that’s because during mind-wandering we can make connections between remote elements in a new way that has value. Now if we move into the execution phase, where you put the idea to use, then you must go back into focus.

Don’t be afraid of making mistakes


The results that are expected of us in selling are sales, and the only time that we are working is when we are doing something that contributes directly to that result. Selling is when you are face to face with real life customers who are willing and capable of buying a product (or service). Today’s businesses are learning from the science of change that they must recreate themselves even when they would like to believe that the old business will go on forever. 

The best way to predict the future is to create it.
— Peter Drucker 

Which means to have a vision and even though the vision is in the air or sky, you start to build a foundation under your dreams. All high achievers are result orientated, they dream big dreams and focus on results not activities. The key is to be clear about the results that you are trying to accomplish and ask yourself the following questions:
1)    What results are expected of me?
2)    What am I supposed to produce in my job?
3)    Why am I employed here?
Please reach out if you have questions about how it can impact your organisation or yourself.

Focus on the finish line

Image c/o Strategy Sprints

Image c/o Strategy Sprints

The human mind is far more fertile, far more incredible and mysterious than land and it works the same way as the mind does not care what we plant, whether it be success or failure. A concrete worthwhile goal or confusion, misunderstanding, fear, anxiety and so on but whatever we plant it must return to us. The human mind is the last great unexplored continent on earth, it contains riches beyond our wildest dreams, it will return anything we were to plant. Well you might say that if that’s true why are people struggling to meet their goals?

Emily Balcetis explains how motivation is not enough if you want to achieve your goals, see the video here. Emily Balcetis, Ph.D., is an associate professor of psychology at New York University and author of “Clearer, Closer, Better: How Successful People See the World.”