mind — I THINK — Stephen Burrell


The mind always wants more

My favourite organ is the mind, and what truly captivates me is the internal sense of self and the intricate complexities of human behaviour. While advancements in various fields of medicine are consistently enhancing outcomes, mental health remains an exception. Despite the progress in neuroscience, we are witnessing an increasing number when speaking about addiction, depression, and suicide rates. I think this clearly, our current approach to understanding the workings of the mind is flawed. I have dedicated my entire life to unravelling the intricacies of human behaviour and understanding “blind spots.” I feel it’s my duty to connect the dots and bridge the gaps.

You must live with your results

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Taking an honest look at ourselves is, of course, easier said than done and learning to view yourself critically, but not cruelly, is the most important first step for any leader. Without knowing who we truly are, how we truly work, and where our strengths and weaknesses truly lie - we cannot possibly begin to lead others effectively. You can achieve so much when you are truly focussed. What focus means in saying “no” to something that you think is a phenomenal idea and say “no” to it because you are focussed on something else. I think one has to stand guard at the door of our minds and decide what goes inside of it, don’t allow just anyone to dump into your mental factory.

Less excuses, more results.
Less distractions, more focus.
Less me, more we.
— Robin Sharma

Mind power

Image © James Brown - Polydor Records

The human mind is magnificent organ of intelligence, unfortunately we are not taught how to fully use it. In fact, because of our limited understanding of the mind and our limited expectations of it, we limit the minds’ ability to function at its full potential. As you know, you cannot heal what you don't feel, so my aim is to help my clients to replace negative self-talk with positive self-talk, for example, I have already managed to replace bigotry, intolerance, and racism with fairness, friendly and tolerance. 


I have been working on a rapid transformational program, it will be a monthly subscription-based program with the aim to reprogram your mind. Watch this space…

The mind is a rollercoaster

How do you become good at concentrating?
I think that you can’t focus or concentrate on something that you don’t understand, therefore, one should start by understanding the mind. To be concentrated is to be able to keep your awareness on one thing for an extended period of time. The mind is the most powerful tool in the world and one of the first things I learned when I moved to Copenhagen was the workings of the mind. This was because once you know how the mind works you can control it, and once you can control it - you can focus it. The best way to practice concentrating is by doing one thing at a time throughout the day.

What’s the best way to develop concentration?
I think the best way to develop concentration is to bring that practice into our everyday lives. Whenever you feel that your mind is drifting away, bring it back and focus your with your undivided attention on the person, event or activity. When you can concentrate then you’re able to focus all your energy into a single given point. Life is a manifestation of where your energy is flowing. And if you can’t concentrate your energy, the things that you want to manifest in your life will become very challenging. Keep bringing awareness back and keep focused, learn to concentrate by doing one thing at a time. Make this practise an essential  part of your day. 

Don't complain, don't explain


I think that the mind is our individual mental factory and what you read pours a massive amount of ingredients into your mental factory. Subsequently, the quality of your life will be built on those ingredients. Everyday, I stand guard at the door of my mind, and I decide what goes into my mental factory as I have to live with the results. I would advise you to select the right ingredients, keep out the wrong ingredients and acknowledge that it all starts with thought. In my opinion, everything starts with thought, so you must be wise and careful about what you think about.

As a child, I remember the first time I heard the Henry Ford quotation, “Whether you think you can or you think you can’t, you are right.” I immediately knew that our lives are affected most by the way we think things are and poor thinking habits will keep most people poor. We need to get upset, we need to get disturbed and this motivates us to do something about it and change our behaviour. It’s only when we feel hurt enough that we will do something about it. Contact me via e-mail and I will awaken you to the pain that already exists and then guide you with solutions for that pain.