wealth — I THINK — Stephen Burrell


Health is your wealth

Being wealthy and feeling wealthy are two very different experiences. While many in the West enjoy material abundance, we are currently facing an epidemic of loneliness and emotional isolation. Suicide rates are rising, and the pervasive sense of despair has driven people to search for meaning and connection in various ways. Practices like yoga and mindfulness have gained immense popularity as individuals seek spiritual fulfilment and mental clarity. At the same time, others turn to more destructive outlets like drugs and alcohol to numb their pain. This growing crisis highlights a deeper societal issue: despite our material wealth, there is a profound lack of emotional well-being and community, underscoring the need for more meaningful forms of connection and purpose in our lives. Contact me via e-mail if you are  feeling isolated, anxious, worried or stressed?

Health is wealth

I am currently re-reading the New York bestselling book, “Rich Dad Poor Dad” by Robert T. Kiyosaki. In a recent conversation with my son I said, “Wealth is measured in time, rich is measured in money.” And this allowed me to go deeper into the subject and explain that one could argue that wealth is measured in time because time is a finite resource that is equally distributed among all individuals. No amount of money can buy more time, so how we choose to use the time we have reflects our true wealth. On the other hand, being rich is often measured in monetary terms because having a large amount of money can provide us with financial security and the ability to purchase material goods and experiences that contribute to our quality of life. Ultimately, the definition of wealth and being rich can vary depending on one's personal values and goals.

“Money is numbers and numbers never end. If it takes money to be happy, your search for happiness will never end.”
— Bob Marley

Hope is not a strategy


Who’s in the drivers seat?
Some people go through the day with their fingers crossed and there are other people who are blaming others for their current life situation. My advice is to grow up and take some responsibility:

·      If you wish to be successful, study success.

·      If you wish to be happy, study happiness.

·      If you wish to be wealthy, study wealth.

I think that the only way you can change your economic, social, and spiritual life is through study. You may not be able to do all that you find out, but you should find out all you can do.

Hope is not a strategy.
Luck is not a factor.
Fear is not an option.
— James Cameron

Life is a banquet

Image via Shutterstock

I’m in the process of writing an obituary for my mother and there are so many things that I could write. I have just forwarded the first draft to my sisters for some input, as I need their opinions. I think that if you and your loved ones are healthy, you have a family that loves you, some good friends, food on your table and a roof over your head - then you are richer than you think.

We are the richest people on earth and we don’t even realise! And when I say this, it means that we are alive when we can see the moon and the stars at night. Please make sure that you take the time to appreciate these gifts, nourish yourselves with nature, with your breath, with quiet and stillness. This will give you the energy to deal with your pain and challenges.