Why can’t we just train people to become curious and thirsty for knowledge? We can! And if we do this the number of other things, they can learn is unbelievable. We have seen that bit by bit on the internet there is a body of work that lets the employer know you’re worth hiring now. We are going see more and more free stuff and more and more expensive stuff. Just imagine if there was a portfolio system where you are hired and fired on the basis of your work. Just imagine if there is this type of relationship in place where people who know you and trust you also hire you. The education system of the future or should I say, the hiring of people in the future will look less like where you went to school and more and more what have you built, who did you work for and what would they say about you.
Do as you're told
Education and learning are not the same thing. Mass education was the ingenious machine constructed by industrialism to produce a constant flow of factory workers. Learning is the lifelong process of transforming information and experience into knowledge, skills, behaviours, and attitudes. Education is what we do for compliance and it’s about cohesion and you get a prize as a reward, that’s how they get you to do what you are supposed to do. I think that there are some educators who are also teachers and help with learning and there are also a lot of educators who are creators of an obedient system.
“If you only read the books that everyone else is reading, you can only think what everyone else is thinking. ”
Complacency is rooted in pride
Stock Photo
What was your motivation to get into leadership?
I love sales and being in a leadership position does not change who I am as a person. Whenever I am in a leadership role or even in my younger days when I was in sales positions – I always chose to help my colleagues. I have had the benefit of good education, and I think a good education means that you have gained the ability to think on your own. Every time that I have gone into a leadership role, it was not necessarily something I was looking for, it’s something that I have naturally done. Whenever someone has asked me for help, whether friend or foe, I have always said yes, taking time to listen, articulate and advising on how we can become better as a team. Generally speaking, I have really enjoyed being in a teacher - motivator role, and in my humble opinion I have always excelled in them. I’m fully aware that whenever leaders push excellence, the haters will come out of the woodwork as employers are not fond of change.
Hours worked that require compensation
During the discovery phase, we must agree that it’s a real problem and this problem has an impact on your business, then it is up to me to prove that I have a solution. I really enjoy helping organisations succeed, talking them through what’s holding them back and I like working with organisations that have a small company vibe, where I can naturally set up processes for them. I learned once and for all before the pandemic a real sense of knowing when a deal is worth pursuing. I don’t like “free” education and have no desire to give away my knowledge and experience, as it’s not my job to educate for “free”. Contact me via e-mail if you would like to evaluate what you should be measuring in your organisation.
Education vs. intellect
I love people who have no idea how wonderful they are and just wander around making the world a better place. I think you attract good people into your life based on your character, not possessions, appearance, or intellect.
“Never confuse education with intelligence. Intelligence isn’t the ability to remember and repeat, like they teach you in school. Intelligence is the ability to learn from experience, solve problems, and use our knowledge to adapt to new situations.”
Final exam in the morning
Above and beyond
It’s important to look at the system, as too often people who would like to make change forget to look at the system. I have been observing systems throughout my life without realising what I have been seeing. How are we going to create a new system that is going to put the right energy into education so over time we will have more people looking like me in the system?
If you are frustrated at how your marketing is currently working, it’s probably because you are using the wrong system. It’s really hard to change the system by just changing the elements within it. I think it’s far more powerful to change your purpose.
Let's face it
““If you are not prepared to be wrong, you will never come up with anything original.” - Sir Ken Robinson”
How much is kindness worth to you?
To me, success is an ongoing process of striving to become more. It is the opportunity to continually grow emotionally, socially, spiritually, intellectually and financially while contributing in some positive way to others. I think the road to success is always under construction.
I am always impressed and grateful when I meet smart people. In reality, what I admire most in people is kindness, humility, optimism, generosity and shared knowledge. Therefore, I think that no matter how educated, talented or rich you are, how you treat people will ultimately reveal all.
Challenging The Status Quo With Lasse Have
Tell me a little about your education
I am an autodidact and have 30 years of visual drawing experience beginning with T-shirt designs, posters and flyers in High School and that has evolved into what it is today, which spans from basic illustration, over animation, to complex presentation. At the beginning when faced with the question – “Do you know how to do this?” – My answer was always “Yes”, - even though sometimes I had not tried it before. But I quickly learned the necessary skills and I always delivered a solid and trustworthy product. So, learning by doing, was the basis of my commercial success.
What excites you right now?
Vector graphics has been hot for years now, fortunately for me, I was presented to Vector tools very early, and working with vector graphics is still my favourite. My role is to notice new trends and utilize my experience to identify who is capable of buying these solutions, and able to benefit from them. As the majority of my clients are conservative companies, I am very aware that I have to ensure that my solutions fit into my clients existing framework and style.
What are you looking forward to in 2018?
This is a difficult one! (Pause)
Personally, it’s a rebuilding project in my home – the renovation of our loft room.
What’s the best thing that happened to you in 2017?
In our world we are always looking at the next thing, but sometimes it’s nice to reflect on what has happened. Moving into Republikken in January 2017 gave me a new creative push as I was in downtown Vesterbro on a daily basis. Meeting lots of new people from a variety of ethnic backgrounds with drive and ambition, provided me with a new energy that comes with shared office spaces.
Tell me a little about you and your childhood?
I was born and bred in Nyborg in Fyn. My siblings and I were brought up with conservative parents and raised to be self-sufficient and to follow our dreams, which was kind of natural as both of my parents were self-employed themselves. As a young man, I was in a hurry to get out and explore new things. Right after High School I chose to go into the Navy as part of my National Service, where I worked in the Operations Room and was in charge of the ship computers and radars.
When my National Service ended, I went to Paris and lived there for a memorable year before moving to Bordeaux. I lived there for 5 years where I had a lot of crazy experiences and a variety of jobs, and I quickly learnt the language and embraced the French culture. After a few years in France I was able to live full time from my drawings and freelance jobs.
Who was your favourite superhero?
My very own Mr. Pigsel who is the virtual front figure for the company. He has a split personality as he is also Professor Pigsel, Inspector Pigsel, Doctor Pigsel as well as the superhero Captain Pigsel.
The whole world is talking about CSR, do you support any charitable causes?
One of my biggest wishes is that we find an alternative to plastic. I recently heard that Lego have announced that its first brick pieces made from plant-based plastic sourced from sugar cane will go on sale later this year. Production has started on the sustainable pieces, which include “botanical elements” like leaves, bushes, and trees. Let’s hope that this is the future for plastic!
What’s the most important thing I should know about you?
I don’t know :).
I enjoy being self-employed and having control of my own destiny, knowing that I have to pay the same insurance as my neighbours’, but being free of the restrictions of employment makes me feel very privileged!
I hate to think of myself as a consumer, even though I know that I am one. I try to avoid shopping centers at all cost. The thought of being a human battery, where “they” drain us of energy and in this case, energy is our attention and money. I guess the worst thing you could say to me is that I am normal.
What would your professional like look like if it was easy?
It is easy, I am living my own dream – yes, I know that sometimes it can be tough, but I guess we all need obstacles to challenge us and to push us into new areas of growth.
I draw, I’m doing what children love to do and sometimes I have to pinch myself to make sure that this is not a dream and I am really living.
Many thanks Lasse. You have been blessed with a natural talent and you have had the courage to make your living from your talent, RESPECT.
If you would you like help with your animations, illustrations or your presentations, please contact Lasse via Pigsel ApS.