Brian Tracy

Exploit and explore

What does objective truth mean?

Objective truth is something that is true for everyone, whether they agree with it or not. Don’t fool yourself into thinking that something is true that is not or that something is that is not true that is. As humans, we like certainty, we want patterns to be definite and clear. Unfortunately, we are not in an era of certainty and economically we are living in a time that’s extremely muddled. The big question is do you want to solve problems or do you want to win arguments?

“Your greatest asset is your (l)earning ability. Your greatest resource is your time.”
— Brian Tracy

Just be kind

There are far too many people in society who see kindness as a weakness. From my perspective by actively working to improve the lives of others, individuals can contribute to the overall well-being of their communities and promote a more equitable and just society. There are many ethical and philosophical frameworks which highlight the importance of contributing to the betterment of society and helping those who may be less fortunate or facing challenges. However, it's important to note that perspectives on what constitutes a "good life" and the extent of one's responsibility to help others can vary widely based on cultural, ethical, and personal beliefs. Some individuals might prioritise personal well-being and self-improvement, while others might place a stronger emphasis on collective well-being and community support. I think that ultimately, the idea of a responsibility to help others achieve a good life is a complex and nuanced topic that can lead to discussions about ethics, social justice, and the role of individuals within society. Send me an e-mail and let me know what do you think?

“The three C’s of leadership are consideration, caring and courtesy. Be polite to everyone.”
— Brian Tracy

Changing your state

According to Charles Duhigg new habits are created by putting together a CUE, a ROUTINE, and a REWARD. James Clear agrees, and crucially adds a CRAVING which he believes drives the loop, e.g., Cue > Craving > Response > Reward. I think the CUE is often visual but in reality, can be any of the five senses. CRAVING is how you interpret the cue, and it can change depending on your current state. The RESPONSE is the action you take, and the REWARD is always some kind of consequence.

In cognitive psychology the internal states of moods, emotions, beliefs, and identity all effect your behaviour. How you interpret the “cues” should be added into the equation, and your interpretation definitely changes depending on your current state.

“Small differences in your performance can lead to large differences in your results.”
— Brian Tracy

Mental health conditions don't discriminate

People of all genders can experience depression, anxiety, and other mental health issues. I think that one can reap massive returns from believing in things people think are stupid until it’s no longer stupid, which is why immunity to embarrassment is such an important superpower for founders and investors. And I tend to follow the Brain Tracy advice - “Never complain, never explain. Resist the temptation to defend yourself or make excuses.”