leadership development

A snippet from a coaching session

Here’s a sneak preview of some of the questions I ask in my leadership development coaching sessions:

1.         What will my team hold me accountable for?
2.         What are the goals I have for my team?
3.         How do they make decisions?
4.         How do they resolve conflicts?
5.         What are my personal goals as a leader?
6.         How will I get results in those areas?

Contact me via e-mail to arrange a discovery meeting.

“Curiosity about life in all of its aspects, I think, is still the secret of great creative people.”
— Leo Burnett

It's not for everyone

Leadership development is a critical facet of any organisation's success. While it may not be suited for every individual, those who recognise the value of leadership programs and models are drawn to companies that prioritise this aspect of personal and professional growth. Ambitious young professionals, in particular, seek out employers who provide opportunities for personal and career development as they are on the lookout for mentors, coaches, and role models who can guide them on their journey to success. In this highly competitive job market, if a company fails to address and emphasise these aspects of leadership development, they risk losing top talent to other organisations that do. Therefore, a solid leadership model and program not only attract talented individuals but also play a pivotal role in retaining and nurturing the potential of the workforce, ensuring the company's long-term growth and prosperity. I think by acknowledging the importance of leadership development, companies can build a culture of continuous learning and personal growth that benefits both the organisation and its employees.

Growing the capabilities of others

Leadership isn't about possessing all the answers; it's about posing the right questions that challenge traditional thinking. I think that your happiness stems from a blend of enjoyment, satisfaction, and purpose. If you're interested in securing an external strategic business partner and advisor for your talent development and leadership solutions, please feel free to reach out to me via email.

“Just as athletes benefit from coaching, leaders do too!”
— Burrellism