Coaching conversations have the power to change lives, one session at a time. I think that transformation occurs after each interaction. As a coach, my role is to guide clients closer to their goals by helping them turn setbacks into comebacks and disappointments into opportunities for growth. The insights and lessons we gather along the way are valuable tools that support clients throughout their journey. If you are ready to explore how coaching can help you, contact me via email to schedule a free 30-minute discovery meeting.
Look for the gift
I have developed the habit of dealing with each problem in complete confidence that it contains a valuable lesson that can help me be more successful in the future. Now consider the biggest problem in your life today - the one which is causing you the most worry, concern, or frustration. Imagine that this problem has been sent to you as a gift, intended to teach you a valuable lesson that will lead to greater happiness and success. If you look for the gift or lesson within the problem, you will always find it.
““Difficulties come to obstruct, not to destruct.””
Follow your nose
I have a beautiful life today because I have chosen to put giving in front of getting, and weirdly the more I give the more I get. A massive part of my work is to help people re-connect to who they are given the life they’ve built, and that’s about authenticity. Being true to who you are, dropping the mask, not listening to that external criticism. Our culture teaches us to grab, grasp, get and compete, that’s all fear-based stuff. I have made giving my number one priority and the more I have given to life the more it has given to me. If you trust that life will give you what we need, I recommend that you focus on giving.
Life is what you make it
How do I become a better version of myself on a daily basis?
Life isn’t fair, and if you think that it is fair then you are in for a rude awakening. Life is a competition and those who are willing to make the supreme sacrifice often win. Some people get off to a difficult start and have incredible obstacles to overcome. I’m hard on myself, trying on a daily basis to become a better version of myself. I am constantly pushing myself to become a better human being and when I am in front of my clients, they can feel that energy. I think everyone is driven by a selfish drive of reputation and the ones who are open to this understanding have a unique opportunity. When working in sales, you can command a nice compensation package because it’s nothing to do with your education and everything to do with your communication skills.
Thoughts on Thursday
“Never regret a day in your life. Good days give happiness, bad days give experiences, worst days give lessons, and best days give memories. ”
Life lessons from children
Yesterday, I went to Copenhagen Central Station to purchase a new travel card. It was an amazing experience as the expedient and I hit it off immediately - banter, humour and playing up to our inner child. Therefore, this morning I was inspired to think about some life lessons we can learn from children.
Be courageous and try new things
Adopt a beginner's mindset
Have fun and laugh more
Make new friends
Fall and get back up
Ask lots of questions
Believe in miracles
Colour outside the lines
Love playing
Wander around
This pandemic is offering the entire planet a similar opportunity. This is the first time in human history that the entire world turned unitedly against a common foe. We are being presented with an opportunity - how will you use it? Contact me via e-mail for coaching, mentoring or workshops.