I don’t believe we can become the people we aspire to be, or create the world we want and need, without having hard conversations. I think that you can have courage without being vulnerable. And we must show up and allow ourselves to be seen, even when the outcome is beyond our control, because that’s the true definition of courage. These conversations may feel uncomfortable at first, but over time, we grow familiar with them. After all, healing requires us to step into discomfort.
Ubuntu describes a set of closely related Bantu African-origin value systems that emphasise the interconnectedness of individuals with their surrounding societal and physical worlds. The Ubuntu spirit embodies the idea that “I am because you are, and you are because I am.” It reflects the belief that our individual humanity is deeply interconnected. I think in essence, it means that we thrive through our relationships with others, and no one can exist in isolation. Ubuntu promotes a sense of community, where people look after one another and prioritise collective well-being over individualism.
““If you want to go fast, go alone, if you want to go far, go together.” ”
Various aspects of life
Life is all about the struggle and challenge to develop ourselves and our skills to see what we can create of value in the marketplace. There is also a social part, a spiritual part as well as the physical part. Personal development is not an easy matter, new habits don’t come easy, but they can be developed. We all have heard the old saying that “Success is 10% inspiration and 90% perspiration.” Therefore, you have to read the books, learn the skills, put yourself through the paces, do the mental press ups and get yourself ready.
Inspiration must lead to discipline as it’s one thing to be motivated, and another thing to be motivated sufficiently to take the classes, do the reading, do the repetition, go through it over and over until it becomes part of you and those are challenges. They are not easy, but they are challenges that if you win, develop and grow that’s what will determine your place, your return (equity) and the work you get from the marketplace.
““Success is neither magical nor mysterious. Success is the natural consequence of consistently applying basic fundamentals.”
Science vs. spirituality
In theory, science is intellectual and practical activity encompassing the systematic study of the structure and behaviour of the physical and natural world through observation and experiment. Spirituality embraces the idea of an ultimate inner path enabling a person to discover the essence of our being. And spirituality is centred on the deepest values and meanings by which people live.
I think that science answers the questions about how the world works, spirituality answers the questions about why the world works. Science is dependent on observations of a phenomena and it the best theory to explain it. Spirituality is dependent on faith and belief systems which are usually not reliable when positioned next to the empirical evidence that scientific data provides. In general science and spirituality are the tools we use to better understand ourselves.