
Disparity in roles

Some degree of disparity will emerge from preference because preference emerges from individual circumstances, for example, upbringing, experiences, and cultural background. Different groups of people growing up in diverse environments are likely to develop different preferences as a result. And It’s important to acknowledge this aspect when considering disparities among various groups. While biases can play a role in perpetuating disparities, it is not the sole determinant. Understanding the multifaceted nature of preferences and considering various influences, including upbringing, can provide a more comprehensive perspective on the matter.

I think that it’s crucial to acknowledge the influence of upbringing and other factors on preferences, it does not dismiss the existence of bias or discrimination. Bias can still contribute to disparities, especially when it comes to systemic issues and unequal opportunities. Striving for a fair and inclusive society involves examining and addressing all relevant factors, including both conscious and unconscious biases, as well as other contextual influences.

Somebody's opinion

There will always be two types of people; those who become accustomed and accept the system, and those who will always fight for the truth. And my life experience has taught me is that truth is highly subjective. There may be an objective truth and we humans can't know it because we are condemned to the bias of our own experiences, biases, and preferences. As professional marketers we all believe that we make decisions rationally, but we are as likely as anyone to be influenced by external biases. And social proof has consistently been shown to be one of the most powerful behavioural biases.

The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort and convenience, but where he stands at times of challenge and controversy.
— Martin Luther King, Jr.