
Relational vs. transactional

What are your intentions?

Relational refers to an approach or style that prioritises building and nurturing interpersonal connections and relationships. In relational interactions, individuals emphasise trust, empathy, and understanding. These relationships are often characterised by mutual respect, cooperation, and collaboration. On the other hand, transactional refers to an approach or style focused on exchanges or transactions between parties to achieve specific goals or outcomes. In transactional interactions, individuals typically emphasise efficiency, clarity of roles and responsibilities, and achieving objectives. And these interactions are often based on agreements, contracts, or defined parameters.

I think when individuals lack a sense of care and support in their workplace, coupled with a lack of opportunities to utilise their strengths and grow, ambiguity regarding the mission or purpose, and unclear expectations, their behaviour may be affected. And given that we are all involved in dealing with people, it's fair to say we are essentially in the business of managing emotions.

Stoicism is helpful

Marcus Aurelius

When we speak about success, there are parts of this we are in control of and parts of it we are not. There are so many things that we have no control over, like outcomes, therefore, one should just focus on the things that you can change which is the world of your own thoughts and actions. I think this is where we should place our attention, therefore, I only emotional commit myself to my intentions and actions, not the outcomes as I have no control over them.


Stoicism is a philosophy designed to make us more resilient, happier, more virtuous and more wise–and as a result, better people, better parents and better professionals. Stoicism has been a common thread though some of history's great leaders and has been practiced by leaders, artists, writers and entrepreneurs.