Jim Rohn

Learn how to deal with no

Human beings fear two things more than anything else in the world: death and rejection. And research has shown that people fear rejection more than death, this is because we are biologically and historically wired to avoid getting thrown out of the tribe, so we do everything in our power to net get rejected. I think we have to change our interpretation of rejection as our brains are always trying to interpret everything – What does this mean and how can I protect you? Unfortunately, the brain is not always our best friend, so we have to learn how to reframe the stories we tell ourselves. Contact me via e-mail for sales training and workshops.

“Asking is the beginning of receiving. Ask the question, receive the answer. If you don’t ask, you don’t get.”
— Jim Rohn

Authenticity over algorithms

Many people consider kindness to be a weakness. I think it’s essential to be humble and kind, and also to know your worth. Remember, knowing your worth doesn't mean you have to be arrogant or dismissive of others. It means recognising your own value while respecting and appreciating the worth of others.

“Effective communication is 20% what you know and 80% how you feel about what you know.”
— Jim Rohn