
Good judgement

Understanding how to solve the environmental crisis and over consumption is through the knowledge that the human brain itself has quite a large marketing function. Everybody can acknowledge that the brain has an accounting function as it cares about the efficient use of resources. It also has all kinds of algorithms and heuristics that are in many cases innate and built in, but it also has a marketing function. It really cares about image and status, effectively what something you do means to other people. I think it’s very difficult to produce magic in the world of physics or engineering, you can genuinely perform magic with perception. And one of the cleverest reframing’s you can do is make it a choice not to compromise.

Do you believe in magic?

Most businesses today lack the vision to optimise for changing human behaviour because they focus on optimising their processes and products based on existing consumer behaviour and economic trends. I think there are also businesses who actively seek to influence and shape consumer behaviour, often through marketing, branding, and product innovation. And these businesses understand the power of changing perceptions, creating trends, and altering the meaning and value associated with their products or services. As a marketer we can change the way people behave, we can change what things mean, we can change whether something feels cheap or expensive.

Unfortunately, the finance division of businesses are often based on rational and data-driven decisions. This approach tends to rely on analysing historical data, market trends, and economic indicators to make strategic decisions. I think whilst this analytical mindset is extremely valuable, it’s also important to recognise that unconventional and creative solutions can lead to breakthroughs and shouldn’t be ignored. Magic is not easy and not everybody can do it all the time, but it should be integrated into your decision making processes because there are magical solutions out there.