TIP: L-U-V listening — Stephen Burrell

TIP: L-U-V listening


I recently listened to a podcast where L.U.V listening was briefly described and it made me realise how many sales and marketing people preach - bla, bla, bla…
It’s the season of goodwill, so see below a L.U.V tip.

L – One important aspect of effective communication is learning how to listen. Listen without judgment, with your ears, eyes and heart to understand my situation

U – Understand: Repeat back in your own words to show understanding. I think that there is nothing that feels better to a human being than to feel understood.

V – The last step is validation, validate my feelings by expressing empathy even if you disagree. Try to put yourself in his or her shoes and consider how one might see it that way or how one might view it that way.